Session 2


In this class we discus planning and designing a 'look' for a projects 3d models. We will cover the process as it derives from story material, how it

We will also cover a set of techniques in Photoshop that will help your mapping projects. We will use these all semester long. There will be a class exercise in mapping that introduces most of these techniques.

Observation from the real World

More Observations

HomeworkPart I:

From your collected images form the real world, make five complete sets of maps. Each set must include the one map to control each of the following attributes: Bump, Diffuse, Color, Specularity and Reflectivity. Use the various techniques covered in class to make these. Work backwards from real world phenomenon.

Homework Part II:

Start making decisions on what look works best for your individual projects that we reviewed in class. Also decide which mapping styles work best for the same materrial.

Suggested reading for this session:

Tiling Photoshop Images with the Offset Filter

3D Mapping Strategies Links*

* You will have to sign up on this site to view the tutorials. It is free, but you will be added to their mailing list, which is not a bad thing. Look in the Attention to Detail Tutorials section for tutorial #9. Its a fairly detailed Quicktime tutorial on how to make photoshop files tile properly.